TCA Peels for Reducing Severe Pigmentations

The term TCA stands for tri-chloroacetic acid and is considered one of the genuine skin rejuvenation peel methods which will effectively treat the mature skin, which has a medium to harsh sun damage problem with fine lines, signs of ageing, and pigmentation. Those who are going through the problem get 2-6 peels treated fortnightly.

Due to the requirements and the rising problems with skin, TCA peels are designed starting from mild to medium as their strength and peeling effects are increased by layering the use. Mainly, the peel depth is based on the type of patient’s skin, condition, texture and the desired result which will be noticed after every peel session.

What can TCA peel treat mainly?

  •  It improves severe pigmentation and photo ageing
  •  Increases the cell turnover
  •  Helps to stimulate the production of collagen
  •  Reduction of blotchy pigmentation and freckles
  •  Reduction of fine lines and acne scarring

Where to get TCA peels?

You get it from your plastic surgeon, dermatologists or aesthetician in a professional way as performing self may prove to be dangerous.

Does TCA peel reduce severe pigmentation problems?

When dealing with the severe acne scars and pigmentation problem, TCA peels does wonders by reducing the appearance, which takes 10-15 minutes to reduce the problem. Before the peel, a topical anesthetic is applied as lack of this step may leave you feeling stinging. After the treatment, your face will be swollen for some days and healed fully later. In order to prevent the pigmentation to return, make sure that you stay away from the sun for the first few months and wear sunscreen daily when planned to go out.

It is necessary to protect the new skin with broad spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen (UVA/UVB) daily and maintain a younger looking skin for a long time.